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About Us

Personalized Approach

We are licenced specialists by 2pluxx GmbH

for Insta-Mold  products.


We are present in Utrecht (Netherlands) and 

skydiving and indoorskydiving events wordlwide.



Excellence and Professionalism 

Insta-Mold earplugs have been highly recognized by a variety of professionals (medical doctors, audiologists, athletes, etc.) concerned with hearing healthcare.  They are being used by major corporations worldwide and for personal use.

​Most common use for:






Customized and Guaranteed


AIRPLUGS are a completely custom molded hand made earplugs -  designed for an ultimate fit & prevention of tinnitus, hearing loss, surfers ear & infections. 


We educate our customers about the importance of hearing protection, help them find the perfect product and help them win the war on noise no matter the activity or sport they pursue.

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